Welcome to the Fourth Trimester!

The Fourth Trimester is defined at the first 12 weeks after giving birth. During this time, the newborn is adjusting to being outside the womb and the mother is processing immense physical, mental and emotional change.

LovEntourage® is here to be your sacred space of support, community and love as you move through the fourth trimester. We have curated a list of resources below to help connect you with hands-on support at any level you might need.

The Love Swaddle® is inspired by research that found seeing and thinking positive words like “LOVE” can have an effect on your brain. Research shows a positive outlook inspires compassion, inner resiliency and clarity. It serves as a visual cue to parent with patience, gratitude and love.

Swaddling is an ancient practice that is meant to mimic the secure, warm, and tightly bound feeling of the womb. When done correctly, it can help calm your infant for sleep. It is most important to make sure your newborn sleeps on their back and does not break free from the swaddle.

Watch this one minute “how to swaddle” video linked here.


Click each link to learn more.

Trimester Project https://newmomhealth.com/

This website provides the latest medical evidence, honest stories and information on what to expect during the first 12 weeks post-birth physically, mentally, socially, etc.

Resource Guide for Black Mothers | download here

Resources curated by Dr. Terri, MD and Pampers to help new and expecting Black mothers find educational information and communities that will provide support for their unique challenges.

Perinatal Collaboratives by State | www.cdc.gov/reproductivehealth/maternalinfanthealth/pqc-states.html

State Perinatal Quality Collaboratives (PQCs) are state networks of teams working to improve the quality of care for mothers and babies. To find your local perinatal support, follow the website link.

Perinatal Mental Health Resources | download here

Resource on finding a therapist and/or medication provider in Virginia as well as additional resources on postpartum support. The document also includes suicide and crisis hotline numbers.

National Maternal Mental Health Hotline | 1-833-TLC-MAMA (1-833-852-6262)

This hotline provides free, 24/7, confidential support before, during and after pregnancy in English and Spanish. By calling or texting this number, you will be connected to a professional counselor and receive a response with minutes. They also have interpreters for 60+ languages.

The Motherhood Center | https://www.themotherhoodcenter.com

Based in New York, The Motherhood Center is a resource for new mothers that specializes in supporting individuals that are experiencing perinatal mood and anxiety disorders.

Baby Blues or Postpartum? | https://www.marchofdimes.org/pregnancy/postpartum-depression.aspx

The March of Dimes provides this resource to shed light on the common feeling of “baby blues”, experienced by 4 out of 5 new parents.

Bridge to Resources https://bridge2resourcesva.org/

This site is funded by the Virginia Mental Health Access Program - VMAP is a statewide mental health

access program designed to help health care providers take better care of children and adolescents

with mental health conditions by increasing access to child psychiatrists,

psychologists, social workers, and care navigators.

Generation Hope https://www.generationhope.org/resources-workshops

“To ensure all student parents have the opportunities to succeed, experience economic mobility, and build wealth, Generation Hope engages education and policy partners to drive systemic change and provides direct support to teen parents in college as well as their children through holistic, two-generation programming.”

Moms on Call | https://momsoncall.com

The “knowledge center” is full of quick videos and advice for common newborn stresses.

Depression During & After Pregnancy | https://mchb.hrsa.gov/sites/default/files/mchb/programs-impact/depression-during-after-pregnancy-en.pdf

This is supposed to be the happiest time of my life, why do I feel sad? If you feel this way, this reousrce is for you.

Postpartum Support International | https://www.postpartum.net | 1-800-944-4773

PSI promotes awareness, prevention and treatment of mental health issues related to childbearing in every country worldwide.

New Mom Health | https://newmomhealth.com

A website that consolidates postpartum resources including emotional, hormonal, and communal support to care for yourselfxn and your newborn.

Dads Net | https://www.thedadsnet.com

A place for dad’s to connect, learn, and listen to podcasts. For dads only!

Very Well Family | https://www.verywellfamily.com

An organization that provides support and education on the topics of fertility, planning your pregnancy, caring for a newborn, and navigating the complex stages of parenting.

Happily Grey Blog- Postpartum Essentials | https://www.happilygrey.com/postpartum-essentials/

With her first career in nursing, Mary Lawless Lee has insightful medical knowledge on all thing postpartum from how to “soothe down there” to what to keep on your bedside table at all times.

Birth Halo | https://www.birthhalo.com

A platform that provides resources and expert knowledge on the process of birth. This program offers courses, meal plans, access to one on one counseling to experts, sleep plans, etc.

Birth Injury Center | birthinjurycenter.org

Their mission is to assist anyone who has been affected by a birth injury. The Birth Injury Center website is a compilation of information around a variety of birth injuries and resources to assist you, your family, and loved ones.

Parents.com | https://www.parents.com

With a community of 9 million members, parents.com is a reliable and long standing resource. With science-backed views of health and parenting topics, their a passion for sharing accurate information helps you raise the next generation of confident and compassionate kids. 

Parenting in Process | https://www.parentinginprocess.com

Former kindergarten teacher, Becky, created this resource for education and support for parents and caregivers to better understand their children through conscious parenting and the attachment relationship.

Infant massage USA | https://www.infantmassageusa.org

If you haven’t been told already, infant massage and nurturing touch strengthen communication, bonding, attachment and development between infant and parent/s. Infant massage USA gives you all of the guidance and education you need to learn how to massage your baby to not only soothe them, but you too.

Baby-Chick | https://www.baby-chick.com

On a mission to inspire, educate, and uplift mothers, Baby-Chick has helped over 700 families during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. This resource has insightful blogs, podcasts and videos for every topic you can think of when it comes to having a child.

Alcohol and Postpartum | https://www.alcoholrehabguide.org/resources/dual-diagnosis/postpartum-depression/

Are you or your spouse struggling with postpartum and turning to alcohol consumption to cope with the stress? Then this resource is for you. This guide covers risk factors, symptoms, coping mechanisms and a direct call to licensed therapists for immediate help.

History of Swaddling

When deciding how to best bundle a newborn for a nap or bedtime, there are many choices out there. Swaddling is an ancient practice that is meant to mimic the secure, warm, and tightly bound feeling of the womb. When done correctly, it can help calm your infant for sleep. It is most important to make sure your newborn sleeps on their back and does not break free from the swaddle. 

Disclaimer: The information contained on this website should not be used as a substitute for the medical care and advice of your pediatrician. There may be variations in treatment that your pediatrician may recommend based on individual facts and circumstances.