We've partnered with Every Mother Counts. LOVEVOLVE will donate 15% of the profits from the products on this page to Every Mother Counts to make pregnancy and childbirth safe for every mother everywhere.

A personal note from our creator:

I took for granted that I was lucky enough to come home from the hospital on three separate occasions after delivering healthy babies. I had no idea that maternal mortality was an issue in 2019 in the USA. I became aware of Every Mother Counts while having a conversation with a friend at the beach who lives in NYC and supports EMC. It truly blew my mind. How could this be? Once again the signs popped up everywhere, each time after this when I had a conversation about pregnancy with friends, I found out how many almost died during and after childbirth. My heart immediately hurt for the husbands who came home without a wife, and babies with no mothers. I had just made the baby swaddles with the love artwork so I reached out to EMC in hopes there was something we could do. Luckily we made a connection and are very grateful to be an added awareness and voice for this amazing organization. xo/sunny

What We Do: Every two minutes, a woman dies from complications of pregnancy and childbirth—a total of more than 800 preventable deaths each day around the world. For each death, 30 women nearly die, experiencing a life threatening complication or life-long disability.

The Opportunity: Almost all global maternal deaths can be prevented by ensuring women have timely access to quality, respectful and equitable maternity care. Addressing additional risk factors such as social determinants and supporting evidence-based programs are also critical.

The Solution: We believe in investing in organizations based in the communities where they work. Working with local partners in underserved and marginalized communities, we help deliver high-impact, low-cost solutions to improve maternal health outcomes. We engage communities to advocate for systems change and elevate the voices of the care providers and women at the center of this work.